Collection of Deep Learning Cyber Security Research Papers
This is another quick post. Over the past few months I started researching deep learning to determine if it may be useful for solving security problems. This post on The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks was what got me interested in this topic, and I highly recommend reading it in its entirety.
Throughout this research, I came across several security related academic and professional research papers on security topics that use Deep Learning as part of their research. What follows is a list of the papers/slides/videos that I found, and these may be useful to others. If you have others that you think should be added to this list, please ping me: @jason_trost.
Deep Learning Papers on Security
- A Deep Learning Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System
- A Hybrid Malicious Code Detection Method based on Deep Learning
- A Hybrid Spectral Clustering and Deep Neural Network Ensemble Algorithm for Intrusion Detection in Sensor Networks
- A Multi-task Learning Model for Malware Classification with Useful File Access Pattern from API Call Sequence
- A Novel LSTM-RNN Decoding Algorithm in CAPTCHA Recognition (Short paper)
- An Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks for Botnet Detection Behavior
- Application of Recurrent Neural Networks for User Verification based on Keystroke Dynamics
- Applications of Deep Learning On Traffic Identification (video: here)
- Combining Restricted Boltzmann Machine and One Side Perceptron for Malware Detection
- Comparison Deep Learning Method to Traditional Methods Using for Network Intrusion Detection (short paper)
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Malware Classification (THESIS)
- Deep Learning Approach for Network Intrusion Detection in Software Defined Networking
- Deep Learning for Classification of Malware System Call Sequences
- Deep Learning for Zero-day Flash Malware Detection (Short Paper)
- Deep Learning is a Good Steganalysis Tool When Embedding Key is Reused for Different Images, even if there is a cover source mismatch
- Deep Learning-based Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection System in Transport Layer (Short Paper)
- Deep Neural Network Based Malware Detection using Two Dimensional Binary Program Features
- DeepDGA: Adversarially-Tuned Domain Generation and Detection
- DeepSign: Deep Learning for Automatic Malware Signature Generation and Classification
- DL4MD: A Deep Learning Framework for Intelligent Malware Detection
- Droid-Sec: Deep Learning in Android Malware Detection
- DroidDetector: Android Malware Characterization and Detection using Deep Learning
- HADM: Hybrid Analysis for Detection of Malware
- Identifying Top Sellers In Underground Economy Using Deep Learning-based Sentiment Analysis
- Intrusion Detection System Using Deep Neural Network for In-Vehicle Network Security
- Large-scale Malware Classification using Random Projections and Neural Networks
- Learning a Static Analyzer: A Case Study on a Toy Language
- Learning Spam Features using Restricted Boltzmann Machines
- Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Classifier for Intrusion Detection
- LSTM-based System-call Language Modeling and Robust Ensemble Method for Designing Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems
- Malware Classification on Time Series Data Through Machine Learning (THESIS)
- Malware Classification with Recurrent Networks
- Malware Detection with Deep Neural Network using Process Behavior
- MS-LSTM: a Multi-Scale LSTM Model for BGP Anomaly Detection
- MtNet: A Multi-Task Neural Network for Dynamic Malware Classification
- Network Anomaly Detection with the Restricted Boltzmann Machine
- Predicting Domain Generation Algorithms with Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- The Limitations of Deep Learning in Adversarial Settings
- Toward large-scale vulnerability discovery using Machine Learning
Deep Learning Presentations on Security
- A Deep Learning Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System
- Deep Learning on Disassembly Data (video: here)
Security Machine Learning Resources:
- Security Data Science Papers
- Interesting security papers
- awesome-ml-for-cybersecurity project on Github
- mlsecproject
- Getting Started With Machine Learning for Incident Detection (code examples here).
General Deep Learning Resources:
- deep-learning-papers project on Github
- Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap project on Github
- awesome-deep-learning-papers project on Github
- Reading List
- Deep Learning Patterns
- International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2017 Conference CFP
Note: this was originally published on 12/30/2016 on my blog: