I think there are many ways to ramp up on learning cyber security. Here is my multi-prong recommendation:
I would recommend the following books as a starting point for learning more about security.
- Extrusion Detection: Security Monitoring for Internal Intrusions
- Counter Hack Reloaded: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses (2nd Edition)
- Practical Cryptography
Conferences / Meetups / Social Media
Find all the BSides conferences in your area and try to attend these events and talk to people. Alternatively, many of these events post their videos to Youtube so you could watch the talks at your leisure.
I would also recommend seeking out Meetup groups ( in your area on Cyber Security
If you’re on Twitter, here are some top infosec accounts to follow:
Classes / Training
If your employer is supportive, SANS has excellent training courses that could also help you ramp up these skills as well. They are a bit pricey though so you would likely want your employer to fund them.
I found these papers over a long period of time from many sources, but generally it was from reviewing conference proceedings from several security conferences that i know are good (this has a good list of them After finding and reading papers that I liked I would scour their references and do the same for any papers that sounded interesting or relevant. When I find authors I like or papers I really like I go to Google Scholar ( and add Alerts. Google will email you new papers written by these authors or that cite the paper you’re interested in. This has brought many awesome papers to my inbox.
I hope this helps.